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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools!!!

Today is April Fools Day!
tell me a favorite April Fools Day joke. Did it happen to you or did you fool someone else?


  1. my favorite aprilfools day prank is when my dad was getting out of his coming from work we planed for all his buttons to turn on but it turned of after a few minutes.

  2. First you say whats on youre shirt and then they look down and then you hit them in the chin.

  3. My favorite was when my friend Jack got hit in the chest by a subsitute vice princepal.The subsitute vice princepal thought there was a bug on his shirt.This happened in second grade.

  4. I did this to Trenton I siad you have a spot on your sirt he looked down and I said APRIL FOOLS.

  5. My favrite joke is telling someone dropped a 5 dollers bill so they be looking for it then I say April fool.

  6. once I was at the bus stop my dad ran in my house woke mom and said that my mom had to get up she was so mad.

  7. one time when my brother came into the house i said mom sold your playstation .APRIL FOOLS GOT YA!

  8. My favorite April fools joke is I said mason you have a bug on your shirt april fools .

  9. my favorite is when i say daddy I have a 1000 dollars and he say give me it and I will say april fools
